Saturday, March 30, 2013

How deep the fathers love for us. (again)

 This is a post I wrote last year, yesterday. I read it again and thought I might as well share it again too:

Today is Good Friday.

 Every year, we go to the Good Friday service at our church. I really love the service because it puts a big emphasis on the fact that Jesus died for us and it was all because of how much he loves us.

I think this year is a year that I understand it a lot better. I always got the "Oh man, that must've hurt so bad!" but then at Regionals Jack Hagar said something that made me listen closer. How Jesus took on the sins of everyone in the whole world. Even the people from 1956 and the people from 2001 and the people from 1794 and so on. And he faced God's wrath against those sins.

The sins from everyone in the whole world who ever lived and who ever will live. God's wrath against all that! Sure, that pain of the crucifixion must've hurt and hurt BAD, but to add to that, he was facing the wrath of God against the world's sins.

 Jesus loved us that much to take the wrath that we should've had to face and placed it on himself.

 How deep the Father's love for us how vast beyond all measure that he should give his only son and make a wretch his treasure.....

 His dying breath has brought me life.

 It makes me sad that he did and I didn't. He faced that when I should've gone through that,  but I am glad he did. It makes me feel awful to feel grateful that Jesus did that. But I was talking to God about it and he said "I died so that you may have life. Not so that you could feel awful about it and not accept that gift."

 It's okay to feel sad about what he went through because it was awful, but why push away the gift offered to us? Don't shade his gift by how bad you feel. It's good that you feel bad, because you're realizing exactly the sacrifice Jesus was making, but don't turn away from the gift that he has planned for you.

He was thinking of you when he died. And of how much he loved you!

 Thank you God for the gift of life. Even though you had to get nailed to a cross and suffered all that. You presented us with the blessing and honor of being called your living, beloved and saved children.

 And don't forget the greatness in all of it! You'll see that in 3 days! :)

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