Monday, June 4, 2012

Pots, Pies, and Almost There's.

 Today I had math class in the morning and afterwards, I babysat Olivia! 

She came here and we fed the chickens and looked at the animals. Then we painted pots and then planted flowers in them! After that, we decided to name today Balloon Day and so we blew up lots of balloons and played around with those. It was really fun! Olivia is still obsessed with Isaac and likes to just stand there and watch him walk around. It's really weird! I mean, I would think that's totally totally tooootally boring, but I guess she doesn't have any brothers, so that might be interesting to her!

Do we look related?

Isaac and I decided to watch "The Aristocats" for no apparent reason. I love that movie. I think it's one of Disneys bests.

So yesterday, I felt like making a pie-ish thing! So I ended up making this:

  Vanilla pudding in a graham cracker crust with fresh strawberries on top! Yummy! It's really good!

Isaac and I have been sitting around doing homework and laughing a lot tonight. I'm done with the bulk of it...but still have to memorize all the capitals of the U.S. the capitals of the Provinces of Canada.

I am so excited about getting closer and closer to ending this school year. I'm so ready for it to be over! For us, school ends on the 20th, so we're almost there! Hang on, guys! :)


  1. Ours ends on the 22nd, but we leave on the 20th to go on a trip!
