Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Jello arms and Jello-covered children

 Today Mom and I went to the gym!!  It was awesome. I ran in the treadmill and lifted weights and did this weird pull-up machine! And one of my favorite things was the rowing machine so now my arms are all jello!

 Speaking of Jello...

 I went and played with The Lewis' today! We cut shapes out of Jello with cookie cutters and then ate some. Felix got it all over his face and Ozzie couldn't really figure out what to do with it. By the time he reached it to his mouth, it slid off his hand.

 Tonight, Sophie and Emily and Betty and I are going to get some flip-flops for a project! And we are going to work on a poem for a assignment. :) I will share the poem with you when we're done with it!

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