Saturday, January 26, 2013

Testing, testing...

 Yup. It's that time of year.

 Monday and Tuesday are crazy block-day-tesing-finals-days. :P Not looking forward to it.

  Thankfully, I've got a cool English teacher who doesn't like having his tests over semester testing times, so we're not having on of those. But I've still got some gross Math, Geography, Spanish and Biology tests to study for.

  As we (Andrea, Maren, Natalie, Isaac and I) were watching Anne Of Green Gables last night, Anne quoted: "But, as Rachel Lynde used to say, 'The sun will go on rising and setting whether I fail in geometry or not."

 So I have to keep telling myself that over and over and not get stressed. No matter what, its only 2 days of my whole entire life. No matter what happens, the sun will go on rising and setting. 

So here we go. into the week. But we can all get through it. God's telling me we can and so is everything around you.

 during summer swim league, my coach and some friends and I decided our motto would be "I'm gonna kill this bear".

 In the movie "The Edge" these guys are stuck in a forest. When this bear kills a bunch of them off, there are only two left. When it comes time for them to kill the bear, one of them starts telling the other that he can't kill the bear -- it's too big -- too intimidating-- so the other man takes him aside and gets him all hyped up. Telling him "can you do this?? Can you kill this bear? You will because you CAN! You're gonna kill this bear!!" So the other man keeps  telling himself that over and over and eventually conquers the bear.

 It was main point that if you can tell yourself you can do something and believe it, you can.

I'm gonna kill my bear this week.


1 comment:

  1. Hahah I've seen the Edge! our dad really likes that movie a lot. He always quotes "What one man can do, another can do." :) Hope your tests went well!
