Friday, August 3, 2012

"Hey Jude".....and Larsy Metcalf...

Today, I went to Laura's house and hung out!

 We made a smoothie and held her baby sister and walked around and worked on making a video for our quiz team. It was really fun! She's from a family of 9 kids, so it's fun to go over there and be surrounded by lots of siblings again. Since 5 of them are younger than me, they're like all of the younger siblings I never had too. :)

Baby Mia and I

Larsy Metcalf herself

   After that, I went over and babysat Jude. He did really well and was really happy the whole time. You could tell that he was really tired, so I tried to put him down, but he wouldn't go to sleep, so we just read a bunch of stories.

 He's such a cute little  kid and I'm still trying to learn how to speak his language. Most of the time, I can't understand half the things he's saying...but I can tell when he points to them...or just because he likes certain things, I can figure out what the main idea is. :)

Jude and their dog, Zion
Tomorrow, we have the Championship swim meet in Sudden Valley! It's early in the morning, so I'll be tiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrred. :P

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