Friday, August 17, 2012

Fair!! (again!)

 Yesterday, Sophie, Emily, Jessica, Betty and I all went to the fair!

I know, I've already been there 2 times and will go there again on Saturday, but it's still fun. :)

 Anyhoo, we just wandered around, got to see a baby calf get born (bad grammar there...) and  we watched the alpaca obstacle course. And we got to stop and see Sonora and her goats. After we did whatever, we went on rides.

Wilbur, Tundra and Frosty (from L to R. They're triplets.)
 We decided to "warm up" with the little rides. We all decided that everything in the kids zone has shrunk a ton since we were on those rides when we were little. Sophie and I were having trouble putting our knees in the compartments at some points. :)

See? Tight spaces, but still lots of fun.
 You know that crazy ride called the Super Shot where you go up, up, up and then suddenly, you just free-fall down? Well, we were always too scared for that one, but there was a mini one of those int he kids zone called The Down Surge that we actually did! It was suuuper fun!

When we got to the "Big Kid Zone" we actually went on THE BIG ONE!!!! AAHH! In the actual Super Shot, the anticipation was worse than the drop! But Sophie, Jessica, Emily and I all decided to brave it out anyway (Betty and Scott wouldn't do that one) and it was reeeeaaaallly fun! :)

The Super Shot
We went on lots of different ones that were pretty. Surprisingly, everyone really loved the Tilt'n'Whirl...I didn't think they would like it that much, but they all did!

But our overall favorite was this thing called Wind Glider (Thank you, Ham and Sar for braving it out with me last year! ;). It is where you lay down on your stomach and they twirl you around and around waaaay up high so it feels like you're flying. It's really awesome.

The Wind Glider!
 After that, we went and took Sophie to her horse lesson. While she was there, we went to Costco with Mrs. Grambo...that's when we started to get really hyper...heh-heh...

Then we went back and watched Sophie for a while then we went to Lake Whatcom and swam!

It was unbelievably hot yesterday!  It got up to 97 DEGREES and we all believed it! We were sweating so bad that it felt soooo nice to go swimming. :)

Other pictures:

I looooove this kind of art. I really want to to it.

From the lil' kids ferris wheel :)

Emily, Betty, Me, Scott, Jessica, Sophie and Joshua


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