Thursday, June 14, 2012

That wasn't too bad...

 Okay, okay.....I'll admit that the doctor wasn't bad.

 But I did have to get 2 shots! Sniff sniff....but the one she said would hurt most doesn't hurt at all....but the one she said wouldn't hurt a TON more!

After the doctor, we met up with the quiz team at Boulevard Park! We talked about which chapters we were going to memorize and then walked around......and laughed a LOT. :) As always.

 Then, Mom and I went to Sehome's Baccalaureate! That is when the religious people in the school kind of give and "sending off" to the graduates with blessings and prayers. It's really cool. My friends, Lydia and Zoe were there and we had lots of fun. We knew some of the people who were graduating, so that was cool.

 Tomorrow is Maren's graduation ceremony in Bellingham. But it's also Natalie's graduation ceremony. In Olympia....

So, Mom, Dad, Evan and I are leaving here early in the morning to drive down to Olympia for Natalie's and then as soon as that's over, we are driving back really fast to try to be here for Maren's. It will be a long day, but it's worth it for how hard these girls have worked. Congratulations so both my wonderful sisters.

Speaking of sisters, we would all (including her) appreciate prayers for my eldest sister, Andrea. She has now arrived in Sierre Leone in Africa and is prepared to work there for a while....I'm not exactly sure what she's doing, actually, but you know, not matter what she's doing, she still need guidance and protection. But Ben said that that's the country in Africa that you're least likely to be kidnapped in! That's good!  I love you lots, Anea! :)

 Life goes on....slowly because of my desperate longing for school to be OVER. But It's's coming.

 I'm really excited because next week, Dad planned a time for Him, Mom, Isaac, Maren and I to go up to Leavenworth (the amazing Bavarian town)!!!!!! It has been something our family has done ever since I can remember. We always stay at The Enzian Inn and always go to the same restaurant and ice cream shop. We love it there!

However, it will be sad and it will feel weird to not be going there with all the siblings we usually go with. It makes me sad just thinking about it. :( But we'll eat their ice cream for them.... ;)

  And so,  this is the time where I go to bed and get a good night's sleep (while trying not to sleep on my sore arm) for my adventure tomorrow.

 Love you all! And here we gooooooooooo!!!!!!

This is how I feel right now...

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