Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Right now I feel like a construction worker cut out my tonsils with a chainsaw.

My temperature is going up and down still but this time staying in the 100's. I feel like a broiled egg. (gross) at the moment, it's at 101.7.

I'm writing this from the couch. I've been here for most of the day heating it up. I'm really bored. Really, for the last few minutes, I've just been playing with my eyelid.

What's up with that?

Prayers would be much much much appreciated. I have classes tomorrow and the next day and a quizzing thing after that. I don't want to miss any of them.

And if you have any home remedies to help cure a sore throat, cough, runny nose or fever, by all means let me know!

I felt bad to cancel my babysitting jobs because I feel like it would've given me a bit more energy, but I really don't want to make them sick.

I'm now going to attempt to get up, suck on an ice cube, listen to "Horse and His Boy" and possible take a bath.

I can't think.

1 comment:

  1. Sarah's recipe to cure a sore throat:
    throat coat tea with some fresh cut ginger and lemon juice.
    It really works! ;)
    Hope that you feel way way better soon!
