Wednesday, May 9, 2012

What a great day!!

 I had an okay class today and then we had an okay run through for my ski to sea team! Betty wasn't there when everyone else was, so I didn't get to practice with her a ton, but when she got there, I had just eaten some meatballs so I got really tired.

 Then we went to Sophie's for dinner to celebrate her birthday! We played sardines and volleyball and badminton! And we had yummy cake! Happy birthday Sophie!

 And we decorated our team shirts! They say "The Electric Toothbrushes" on the front and then we did whatever on the back. I did a glass of water on the back. It's now tradition that I do that! :) It's my strategy, though! So, when people see the glass of water on my back, they realize how hot they are from running, so then they pass out and I win! Ta-da!

I'm doing this for my baby for Halloween! :)


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