Sunday, May 20, 2012


 Where can I start....

Yesterday was the Jr. Ski To Sea and I think our team did really well. We were all pretty motivated but also very ready to get it over with. :) Beforehand, we were all pretty nervous.

We got done in like, 30 minutes or something and last year we got 37 minutes so we did good!

However, the people running it totally messed up on the divisions and got everybody mixed up. So basically the people in the boys division were getting awards for the community or girls divisions and visa versa. It was a little annoying, but I know we did well and we had TONS of  fun!!

Sophie running

Betty and I doing 3-legged (I was dying, that's why I'm making that face)

Jessica doing obstacle

My whole team! Sophie (run), Betty (3-legged), Jessica (obstacle), Me, (3-legged), Josh (biking), Danielle (soccer)

Then, after the race, Jessica, Danielle, Betty and I went swimming with Sophie and Emily and then went over to have Sophie's birthday party! We laughed a lot and ate good food and watched "The Little Mermaid" and "Journey 2"......I've always love The Little Mermaid, but Journey 2 was animated and predictable.

 We talked a ton and then really couldn't sleep because we got hyper so we ended up going to sleep at about 3 AM...

 In the morning, we had breakfast and goofed off more and painted faces and had our own church service in our giant tent.

 It's all hitting now though. I'm really tired. :P

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