Monday, May 14, 2012

Happ-y mother's day!

Yesterday for Mother's Day, my Gramma and Papa and cousins and siblings and some family friends came to celebrate! And we also celebrated Evan's birthday which was yesterday too! :D

 It was really fun and Mom baked really yummy rhubarb strawberry pies! (Yuuuumm!)

 Andrea's friend from France was here (Jess) and so it was really fun to talk to her! She has an awesome French accent. She and Maren got to speak French a lot.

 Jess is super nice and after our get-together, Mom, Maren, Dad and Isaac and I took her down to Boulevard Park to go for a walk and see the water.

 I can post some pictures later (If Isaac will let me!).

 Okay, I have to finish eating and correcting math problems! :P


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