Thursday, May 3, 2012

Chicken soup and tylenol.

 Yup, I'm still here. Barely.

 I woke up today after waking up 7 different times last night. But none of those times did I get out of bed. I am very proud of myself. Since fevers make my mind do weird things while I'm sleeping, I kept having the same dream that I was building a boat. But they were different boats every time. I would build a boat, wake up, fall back asleep, build another boat, etc. I built 7 boats last night.

Mom and I walked to Fairhaven which was harder than I thought it would be. I felt very week and like I couldn't really keep going. But I made it home and immediately fell asleep on the couch.

 Now I'm hanging around and going to watch a movie and stuff. Man, this is lame.